Habidom Pole Cones

Habidom Pole Cones

CoverMe is a safe and sustainable solution to cover broken street lighting columns

Habidom Pole Cones

About Habidom Pole Cones

The Habidom Flexible Pole Cone returns to its original position and shape after being transposed by vehicles. With a cylindrical body formed of polyurethane, the pole cones have four vents, which facilitates the exit of air and consequently the shock absorption of impact. Built in a single body without an inner tube, this ensures that in the event of a break, it does not endanger users.

With 4 yellow reflective bands from 3M ref. 3311, Habidom Pole Cones also have impact-resistant prismatic lens reflective sheeting, pre-coated with pressure-sensitive adhesive, exceeding the reflectivity values of ASTM Type III. Its attachment to the road is made using an internal anchor. The flexible poles have CE certification and they have resistance certification to 1000 overlays issued by the TÜV Laboratory.

The Flexible Pole Cones are certified CE NB1020/16/EN/12899-3:2007. Once overlapped, the bollard will return to its original position
and shape.

What are the benefits?

  • Easy to fold and quick return to the position vertical (reset): The polyurethane plastics can bend easily and recovering the
    original position soon after being hit.
  • High resistance: Resists calcium, chloride and other chemicals under extreme weather conditions such as snow.
  • Rapid Installation: The internal anchor system adhered to the asphalt on which the pole cone is screwed to the floor which allows the rapid replacement.
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Sophia Moore
Los Angeles, CA
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fringilla nisl pretium massa sit scelerisque. Auctor odio habitant amet adipiscing massa rutrum nunc tortor hac. Dolor pellentesque est ut egestas tortor mollis. Elit eu, tortor enim curabitur id quis. Imperdiet.”

Sophia Moore
Los Angeles, CA

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